Arts and humanities
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The Fine Arts Hall of Famer shares how he found his footing as a writer, pursued his athletic dreams before pivoting to acting and now makes his living as president of Psycho Rock Productions.
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Through engagement in professional organizations and learning opportunities, teachers deepen their expertise in their disciplines while bringing best practices and curricular excellence to students.
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Through her commitment to fine arts funding, facilities, faculty and students, she has created a lasting legacy of growth, inspiration and support.
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As Vice President for Library and Digital Services, she provides a conduit between the center’s scholarly work and the public that stands to learn from it.
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The chef-owner of the beloved Raleigh restaurant reflects on how he transformed his passion for good food into sustained success through creativity, hard work and community.
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Ravencroft’s award-winning Fine Arts Department inspires graduates to major in the performing arts in college and take their talent and determination to the worlds of stage and screen.
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After finding connection with Alpha Omega Campus Ministry as a freshman, the Mann Scholar remains “passionate about being able to do this same thing for others.”
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As part of Ravenscroft’s broader strategic design work this year, staff in Institutional Advancement have partnered with alumni volunteers to craft goals and practices for the next five years.