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Clockwise from top left: Lower School teacher Lourdes Andrews greets Donovan Crichlow ’35 during carpool; Michael Carlson ’30, Michael Renna ’30 and Maximilian Solomon ’30 catch up before the school day starts; seniors wearing their class T-shirts head over to the Senior Breakfast.
The 2024-25 school year got off to a great start today, with cooler temperatures under sunny skies and smiling faces in all three divisions.
The day started early for seniors in the Class of 2025. In keeping with a fun new tradition, many of them gathered on the soccer field starting at 6 a.m. to watch the sun rise over the start of their last year as Ravens. With many decked out in tie-dyed class T-shirts, feather boas, tiaras and sunglasses, they then headed over to the Richards Hall patio for breakfast courtesy of the 12th-grade PA reps before gathering again at the Murphy Family Bell Tower for a class photo.
Meanwhile, carpool lanes were busy with family cars and Ravenscroft buses bringing in students in all three divisions. Head of School Derrick Willard was on hand to open car doors in the Lower School loop, and Edgar the Raven made a surprise appearance at the Middle School drop-off.
After getting the day underway in each division, students, faculty and staff gathered on Kelly Commons to observe two beloved opening-of-school traditions: the Senior Parade and the Flag-Raising Ceremony. Jackson Hollingshead ’25 called the school together by ringing the bell. Younger Ravens waved signs, cheered and accepted high-fives as members of the Class of 2025 made their way from Holding Circle to the Upper School.
There, Willard greeted the assembly and shared some remarks:
Following this ceremony to fully honor the flag of this great nation, we will welcome our new senior class and challenge them to honor their flag — their banner — as they complete their final year in the Ravens’ nest.
Clockwise from top left: Excited Ravens exit one of the school buses; Middle School students await the opening of the building; Head of School Derrick Willard helps McKenna Nelson ’33 during morning carpool; Upper School leaders Gaddyn Cole ’25 , Austin Green ’25, Jai Gupta ’25 and Beatrice Laskowski ’25 gather before the flag-raising ceremony.
When Ravenscroft was founded in 1862, the American flag had seven red stripes and six white stripes, but only 34 white stars on a field of blue. Today, we have 50 stars on that field of blue. In this moment, as we honor the flag that flies above this campus every day, I want you to remember the symbolism in the flag: The 13 horizontal stripes ... represent the 13 original colonies. The 50 stars represent the now-50 states of the Union. The colors symbolize characteristics that citizen leaders should value — red symbolizes hardiness and valor, bravery; white symbolizes purity and innocence; and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice.
So, as we raise this flag, understand it is so much more than a piece of cloth. It is a symbol that should inspire, that should unify, that should endure. Long may she wave!
Students from all three divisions participated in presenting the colors: Lower School siblings Chase ’37, Christian ’34 and Christopher Wilcox ’32; Middle School SGA co-presidents Zuri Settles ’29 and Tucker Layton ’29; and senior class president Gaddyn Cole ’25 and vice president Beatrice Laskowski ’25. Members of the Upper School Wind Ensemble and Concert Choir led the assembly in singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the flag was raised by members of the Facilities Department, and Upper School SGA vice president Austin Green ’25 led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Then, SGA president Jai Gupta ’25 shared some remarks with his fellow students. “Meet these new changes, opportunities and challenges with enthusiasm and focus, and you will start the year off well,” he said, before passing on what he called “some ‘seniorly’ advice”:
Clockwise from top left: Middle School students smile in front of the new branded graphics displayed in the lobby windows; the Class of 2025 offers high-fives during the Senior Parade; students, faculty and staff join in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Try something new. Take a different class, join a new club or talk to someone you don’t often talk to. You might find that you really enjoy doing these things or even make a new friend.
Set a goal for yourself. By this time next year, where are you going to be? What are you doing that’s new or different? For that, make sure you work your plan and plan your work to be very organized, and you’ll get there!
School is what you make of it. Yes, it is a long and difficult journey, but enjoy the opportunity. Make the most of it by going to clubs or as many sports games as you can. It makes it the most special that way, when you look at each moment like an opportunity.
Willard then invited Alumni Council president Anne English ’98 to present the Class of 2025’s class banner. “As you receive your class banner” he then said to the seniors, “know it symbolizes the legacy your class will leave on the Ravenscroft community. We look forward to seeing what mark you all leave here!
The assembly was then dismissed, with students heading back to enjoy the rest of their first day.
Students and staff in all three divisions got a fun surprise as they observed new campus welcome signs and Ravenscroft-branded graphics on buildings, windows and doors — the most visible item on the Facilities Department’s long list of exciting summer projects. Other updates included installing a new play structure on Izzy’s Playground in the Lower School, completing renovations in Winston Library, installing shelving in the band room of the Fine Arts Center, completing the paint refresh on the rose arbor trellis and numbering the assigned parking spots for Upper School students. Thank you, Facilities Department!
Enjoy more photos from today on our Flickr page!