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Clockwise from top: The traditional group photo; Kenneth Haywood ’85 and daughter Anna ’24; honorary alumna Fran Pugh, at right, with grandson Carl Johnson ’10, great-grandson Carl Johnson ’36 and daughter Holly Pugh Johnson ’78
Families with multiple generations of Ravenscroft alumni and students gathered together for the annual Legacy Breakfast on Tuesday, March 5.
The group — 75 Ravens representing approximately 30 families — met in the dining hall of the Olander Center for Student Life at the A.E. Finley Activity Center to reconnect with their classmates, reminisce about their time as students and share what their family’s current Ravens are up to.
Head of School Doreen Kelly welcomed everyone to the event. Anne English ’98, Janie Smith Brooks ’98 and Jen Madison Snook ’98, who serve on Ravenscroft’s Alumni Council, then shared updates about the group’s work and gave a preview of plans for this year’s Alumni Weekend, which will take place May 3-4.
“I love the Legacy Breakfast! I see it as an inspiring bridge between generations,” Brooks said. “I looked around the Olander Center Tuesday and saw friends and former classmates together with our children, and it stoked my enthusiasm for building connections between alumni, and also pride in our school’s future as our children are learning and growing alongside each other.”
“The legacy event was a wonderful celebration of everything we love about our school – its traditions, its community and the values it instills,” Lauren Carlton ’08 added. “It was a lovely reminder of why our parents chose this school for us and why we ’re now choosing it for our kids. They knew back then, just as we do now, that this place is more than just a school – it’s a place that shapes character, builds lifelong friendships, and prepares students for the future.”
Sentiments such as these are why on-campus alumni events are so important, Alumni Engagement Officer Emma DeMent ’16 said. “It brought me so much joy to see all of the legacy families getting to enjoy such special moments together. I look forward to many more wonderful events with this great group of Ravens!”
All alumni are encouraged to attend Alumni Weekend events, with reunion-year classes (those ending in 3, 4, 8 and 9) also enjoying gatherings planned by members of their class. If you are not currently receiving email communications from DeMent, please update your contact information.
Clockwise from top left: Head of School Doreen Kelly; Lauren McIlwaine ’06 with her PreKindergartener, Callum; members of the Class of 1998 and their children