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Parents and guardians interested in getting involved with parent-led groups at Ravenscroft had the opportunity to meet group leaders and learn more about opportunities at the recent Parent Group Volunteer Fair.
The fair, held in the Keim Center for Innovation and Research on Aug. 23, was attended by dozens of parents and guardians. Organized by Director of Parent Engagement Sarah Baker in partnership with the Parent Group Leadership Team, the event featured booths for each group and, in the case of the Parents’ Association, various subcommittees so attendees could explore their options and find opportunities that fit their interests and desired level of involvement.
Head of School Derrick Willard welcomed everyone and reminded them that any and all contributions by families are important to Ravenscroft’s success — from being “the casserole person” to coordinating events, working concessions and making monetary contributions.
Baker then introduced this year’s leaders for each group (see the slide presentation here):
- Fine Arts Association: Past president Amelia Warner represented the group, as current president Tiffany Brooks could not be there;
- Global Parent Ambassadors/Parents Supporting Diversity and Inclusion, which have joined forces this year in support of the school’s broader goals around community, culture and belonging: Co-presidents Jacqueline Vollmer Viera and Alicia Petty;
- Parents’ Association: Co-presidents Josefina Hanna and Sean Marlowe, who also introduced the PA committee leaders who were present;
- Ravenscroft Athletic Club: President Randi Gilbert;
- Fund For Ravenscroft: Incoming co-chairs Lauren Carlton and Shannon Gill were joined by outgoing parent co-chairs Chantelle Fofaria and Megan Baldwin.
Baker said of the event, “Our parents and guardians — whether they have been Ravens for years or are brand-new to our community — are excited to get involved this year. We are lucky to have a large team of volunteers who are willing and able to channel that energy in a variety of capacities to support many different facets of student life. Our community is strong because of the volunteers who support our initiatives whether in the classroom, on the sports field or behind the scenes.”
“I enjoy volunteering because it helps enhance my child’s experience at Ravenscroft. By supporting initiatives that relate to the Lead From Here framework, we are making a positive impact,” Vollmer Viera said of her role in GPA/PSDI. “The Volunteer Fair was fun, and it was so nice to speak with many new parents who are excited to get involved!”
Learn more about getting involved with these parent-led groups in the Parent Portal under “Parent Resources>Parent Groups.”