- Spark
“A Day at the Vet,” created using WeVideo, showcases some of the skills students develop in the Middle School elective Digital Media I.
Middle School students in Amie McCall’s Digital Media I course explore the many aspects of the digital world and gain hands-on experience in video production and editing, photography, graphic design, animation and scriptwriting. Students are introduced to various software such as iMovie and WeVideo for their assignments.
“A Day at the Vet”
This stop-motion animation was created using WeVideo, a cloud-based video-editing platform used in K-12, higher education and business.
About Layla Wood ’28
My love for creating and editing videos started when I was around six years old and would sit down with the family MacBook and go to iMovie to edit random videos of myself talking. Ever since then, editing and creating videos has been one of my favorite things to do. I would make music videos with my family, create short films and just edit random videos I would take during the day. So, when I saw Digital Media was an elective, I signed up in a second. I have learned so much since I first started, and I hope to continue growing every day.